Friday, December 5, 2008

Oklahoma and Baby Jack

Jamie looks so good and happy to finally have baby Jack here. I took a picture of his head of hair for all to see. He is covered with blonde and brown swirls of locks... quite a handsome guy.

Here's a close-up of his little head. His hair is so fun to look at and he has such a rosey complexion. He also is a very relaxed baby. He just looks around and doesn't really cry.

Grace and Raegan were quite excited to go see him. Grace held him for quite a long while and didn't want to leave. But we had a Primary party to go to and she finally agreed we could see him later.

At the primary party we went to a retirement center to sing Christmas songs to the "grandmas and grandpas". Then we came back to the church for dinner and crafts. I told Grace that there was going to be a special visitor, meaning Santa Clause. While we were walking down the halls of the church to see him, Grace said, "Is the special visitor Jesus?" I told her that the special visitor was not nearly as special as Jesus. It was nice to see where her priorities are.

We came home pretty tired after a long and exciting day. The girls opened their bags of goodies from Santa and we ate oranges and drank hot chocolate before going to bed. What a day!


Amber Horspool said...

It's so fun to finally see baby Jack! I LOVE his brown and blonde hair!!!

the man said...

You just might be the busy grandmother I know in the world. Yup. You are.

Kathy said...

Kathy, I can't thank you enough for going to Oklahoma to be with Jamie & BryGuy when the baby was born! Jason is right, you ARE the busiest grandmother in the world!!! I can't even imagine how tired you must be, these past couple of months you have been quite the traveler! I hope you are able to get some much needed rest when you return home tomorrow. I know the Oklahoma Horspool's will miss you greatly! I am so excited to get there on Wednesday!!! I will try to pick up where you left off! Thanks again! Have a fabulous, safe, and restful holiday! Love you, the other Kathy :)